March 8, 2023

Purus Perspective: March 2023

March welcomes not only the Spring Equinox, it is also Women’s History Month. Today, March 8th, is International Women’s Day. As this is a day to support and celebrate the women in our lives, we would like to take this opportunity to highlight the beautiful, intelligent, and hard-working women that are members of our Purus Team. The ideas and passion they bring to the table daily are inspiring, and Purus wouldn’t be the same without them.

Last week we presented our first Market & Wine Webinar of the year. If this past year has highlighted anything, it is that there are some variables that are simply out of our control as investment advisors - as much as we wish we could push the market higher through sheer will, it’s simply something that cannot be done and believe us, we’ve tried. What we ARE able to do is to “focus on what we can control” - how much we save, how hard we work, and the topic of our presentation, how and why we give. Juli Bartlett from Schwab Charitable highlighted some powerful tools about the Donor Advised Fund offered through Charles Schwab. We hope everyone who was able to join found it of value. There is a link to the presentation further into this newsletter.

During that presentation we also discussed the PWM Investment Committee’s market recap of 2022 and outlook for 2023. In short, we continue to “focus on what we can control” while what we can’t control sorts itself out. The article below lends some additional insights.

Hard Landing, Soft Landing, or No Landing
First Trust

“In the past few weeks, a growing chorus of economists and investors have decided that the pessimistic narrative had it wrong all along, that the US isn’t headed for a hard landing, which would mean a recession, it isn’t even headed for a soft landing, which would mean a prolonged period of low economic growth.”


5 Things to Consider When Deciding Between
Roth and Traditional Accounts

T. Rowe Price

“When you’re working and saving for retirement, you typically have a choice between traditional and Roth retirement accounts, including individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and 401(k)s. But how do you choose which account to open?”


Market & Wine – Intro to Charitable Giving
Purus Wealth Management

We hope you were able to attend our March Market & Wine webinar on Charitable giving. Please keep an eye out for the next event, we'd love to have you!

Please click the button below to watch a recording of our event. Once you have had a chance to view the presentation let us know what you thought by clicking a quick survey here.


How to Determine the Amount of Income
You Will Need at Retirement

T. Rowe Price

“Many people find that it’s easier to think about money in terms of income rather than spending. For example, how much money do you make? That’s a fairly easy question. How much money do you spend? That one might be harder to answer.”


The Start of Spring

We hope all of our Purus Family managed to stay safe and dry this winter.  Especially those of you who have experienced the recent unusual Southern California weather - bring on the sunshine!

The March equinox occurs on Monday, March 20, 2023. This is known as the vernal, or spring, equinox and marks the start of the spring season.

March 12 is the start of Daylight Saving Time, which begins at 2:00am that day. If your area observes it, don’t forget to “spring forward” and set the clocks one hour ahead, or you may find yourself an hour late for everything!

PWM Cybersecurity Quick Check
via Hannah Morreale, Operations Specialist & Digital Concierge

If you have any questions about this month’s topic, reach out to our cyber security team.